Attend Online or In-Person
EMDRIA Approved EMDR Basic Training
50 hours: 20 hours content 20 hours practicum & 10 hours consultation
Additional 10 hours of virtual consultation are included in the price and will be scheduled after completion of live training.
Each training requires 6 full days.
If you are using the Early Bird Discount, you will enter the coupon code upon checkout.
Upcoming Training Cohorts
March 5-7 & April 30-May 2, 2025
(Wed/Thurs/Friday x2)
Virtual or In-Person
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Trainer: Jessica Zimmerman
Hosted by Parkview Behavioral Institute in Fort Wayne, IN
9:00 am - 5:00 pm EST each day
Early Bird Pricing Coupon Code: Earlybird3&45/25
$1575 until February 19, 2025 at which time price increases to $1697
March 14-16 & April 11-13
(Fri/Sat/Sun x2)
Virtual or In-Person
Northwest Arkansas
Trainer: Lizy Wiggins
Northwest Arkansas Venue TBD
9:00 am - 5:00 pm CST each day
Early Bird Pricing Coupon Code: Earlybird3&4/25
$1575 until March 7, 2025 at which time price increases to $1697
March 19-21 & June 4-6
(Wed/Thurs/Friday x2)
Virtual or In-Person
Albany, New York
Trainer: Jessica Zimmerman
Hosted by Northpointe Integrative in Albany, New York
8:00 am - 4:00 pm EST each day
Early Bird Pricing Coupon Code: Earlybird3&6/25
$1575 until March 7, 2025 at which time price increases to $1697
April 25-27 & May 16-18
(Fri/Sat/Sun x2)
Virtual or In-Person
Fayetteville, North Carolina
Trainer: Lizy Wiggins
9:00 am - 5:00 pm CST each day
Early Bird Pricing Coupon Code: EarlyBird4&5/25
$1575 until April 11, 2025 at which time price increases to $1697
Requirements & Readings
Registration requirements: participant must be a fully licensed mental health provider or a graduate student seeking licensure in their final year of internship.
Required Reading (must purchase your own copy before training): Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy Basic Principles, Protocols, and Procedures 3rd Edition by Francine Shapiro (2018)
Recommended Reading: EMDR Within a Phase Model of Trauma-Informed Treatment by Ricky Greenwald (2007)
About EMDR Basic Training
Our EMDR Basic training is an EMDRIA approved training which follows and exceeds standard EMDR protocol guidelines set forth by the EMDR International Association. It meets the following criteria: 40 hours live training which includes 20 hours of content presentation related to basic EMDR skills and 20 hours of practicum which allows participants to role play as client and therapist to put learned skills into action.
Please note that EMDR Basic Training practicum requires that participant experience EMDR as both therapist and client. Therefore, participants will be addressing real life events of their own in part of the practicum. Participants can choose which life events they would like to target and the depth to which it is addressed. Please take self-care into account.
If attending virtually, please know that EMDRIA requires full and active participation with camera on at all times during Virtual EMDR Basic Training. Participants are encouraged to stand, move, or stretch how they may need to, but within reason, taking into account professional standards conducive to a learning environment.
An additional 10 hours of consultation is included which allows trainees to increase knowledge, improve EMDR skills, and safely and effectively integrate the use of EMDR therapy into their clinical setting even after live training.
EMDR Basic Training with EMDR Restorative Consulting, LLC exceeds the minimum Basic Training standard criteria as follows:
Additional content addressing EMDR skills for complex clients including teaching of additional interventions that are often necessary to help clients decrease disturbance.
Instruction on assessment and management of dissociation.
Emphasis on how to facilitate attachment work with EMDR.
A succinct presentation of key neuroscience mechanisms that explain “How EMDR Works” to help participants gain a better understanding of the underpinnings of this framework.
Integrates somatic teachings from Polyvagal Theory to allow for more thorough reprocessing and desensitization because evidence shows that, “The Body Keeps the Score” (Bessel van der Kalk MD) and “The Body Holds the Healing” (Cathy Malchiodi PhD).
From Therapists, For Therapists
Curriculum is presented from the perspective of a therapist, for therapists, to demonstrate exactly what EMDR therapy looks like in practice and implementation.
Included in the cost of this EMDR Basic Training package, you will receive the EMDR Restorative Consulting, LLC therapy integration system that was developed as a step-by-step guide for facilitating EMDR sessions with clients in each of the 8 EMDR Phases.
Video presentation of live sessions with consenting clients and EMDR Trainer, Lizy Wiggins will be presented for experiential learning.
Content design and presentation embraces a learning model conducive for numerous learning styles and/or neurodivergency.
Training Curriculum Outline

This training consists of three sections:
Trainees must complete all instructional, practicum, and consultation hours within 12 months of
starting the training to receive a certificate of completion.
(20 hours) Participants must be present for all hours.
I. History and Overview of EMDR
II. Mechanism of EMDR (How EMDR Works)
III. Model of EMDR including the AIP Model
IV. Methodology of EMDR (Facilitating EMDR)
V. EMDRIA Appendix of additional topics
VI. The neuroscience of EMDR
VII. Dissociation Assessment and Management
VIII. Attachment work with EMDR
IX. Polyvagal Theory
X. Interventions for complex client sessions
2. Practicum
(20 hours) - Participants must be present for all hours.
The goal of Practicum is to facilitate the demonstration and practice of the EMDR therapy methodology as outlined in the Shapiro text, and the EMDRIA Definition of EMDR therapy.
Participants will practice EMDR techniques in either dyads or triads. Participant practice as clinician is required. Participant practice as “client” is required. Practicum is not role play. Participants use their own real experiences as EMDR targets when practicing as client. Participants may choose the depth or intensity of target they work with as client in practicum. Participant will also serve as “observer” at times. Practice is required for each phase of EMDR procedure as outlined in the Instructional Section.
3. Consultation - Virtual (10 Hours) All hours must be completed for certificate as "EMDR Basic Trained"
Consultation provides an opportunity for the integration of the theory of EMDR therapy along with the development of EMDR therapy skills. During consultation, trainees receive individualized feedback and instruction in the areas of case conceptualization, client readiness, target selection, treatment planning, and specific application of EMDR skills with clients. Consultation also allows the trainee to develop and integrate EMDR therapy skills creatively into their other skills in a way that enhances clinical efficiency and effectiveness in helping a wider range of clients meet their goals for change.
I. Consultation is about real client cases and not experiences that occur in practicum
A. Behavioral samples of trainees work with actual clients is required. Behavioral samples can
include video, audio, or verbatim summary.
II. Consultation addresses, but is not limited to, the following content:
A. Use of EMDR therapy within a structured treatment plan
B. Application of the standard EMDR therapy procedural steps
C. Case conceptualization and target selection
D. Client readiness including inclusion, exclusion and cautionary criteria for EMDR therapy
E. Client safety and effective outcomes using the standard EMDR therapy procedural steps
F. Integration of EMDR therapy into their existing clinical setting or in an alternate clinical setting
G. Specific application of skills
About Your Trainers

Hi, I'm Lizy Wiggins. I have a passion for teaching other therapists how to heal their client's with EMDR Therapy and gain the fulfillment I have experienced as an EMDR Therapist. Whether you are a graduate student wanting to prepare for the work field, a community provider needing help with complex cases, a private practice clinician wanting to hone your skills, or a seasoned professional curious to try a new evidence-based approach, I would love to be your EMDR Trainer.

Hello, I'm Jessica Zimmerman! I'm extremely passionate about helping fellow psychotherapists be the best therapist they can be to create a ripple effect of healing in our world. EMDR is deeply personal for me as it gave me my life back. After my own transformative experience I started using it with my clients nine years ago and the healing I witnessed was profound. Whether you are a graduate student in your clinical internship, a newly licensed clinician or a seasoned counselor looking for a pivot, EMDR is a game changer! I found myself feeling less burned out, more invigorated and able to integrate other modalities I love with EMDR. There is a place for EMDR in every setting across our industry and throughout the lifespan of demographics within our caseloads. Learning a new skill requires risk & vulnerability; there's always a learning curve! I am excited and truly honored to walk alongside you on your journey of becoming an EMDR Therapist!
Perks of being an EMDR Therapist
-Avoid feeling stuck with clients which can lead to burnout
-Stop chasing the crisis of the week & Get to the root of the problem
-Prevent client self-harm & hospitalizations through EMDR stabilization
-Get out of a professional or personal rut
-Help clients see themselves through your eyes & really believe that they are enough
-Have an evidence based framework to guide you or to fall back on
-Help clients reduce PTSD symptoms aeb measurable change
-Increase client functioning across settings (often quickly)
-Learn to better serve your complex clients
-Increase your own confidence in your skill set
-Have rewarding sessions
-Receive higher reimbursement
-Increase credibility
-Help meet the high demand for trauma treatment & Get more referrals in the process